Alva Griffith Going to War


Popular High School Student Enlists in Naval Aviation Service.

Alva Griffith, secretary of the Senior Class and treasurer of the boys’ division of the class, Easton High School, and president of the High School Association, has enlisted in the naval aviation service and expect to be called to Cape May on Friday of this week.

Griffith is one of the most popular boys in the school. Within a month after he came to Easton from Lansdowne he was elected secretary of the Junior class. Since that time he has lost none of his popularity. He was a star basket and baseball player and to his skill and prowess was due not a few of the victories credited to the school team. His work as a pitcher had no equal.

For months past Griffith has been anxious to enter the service and do his bit for his country. On Saturday last he went to Philadelphia and enlisted. He will spend six months in training at Cape May and then be transferred to Sewell’s Point for active service. Griffith’s friends predict that if he is as successful in gaining points against the kaiser as he was in his stand for his rights and his mates in school the war will soon come to a glorious end. Griffith is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffith, 105 East, Paxinosa avenue.

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